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History Of Neapoli Pizza



  • The Invention of Modern Pizza in Naples
  • The first pizzeria in Naples: L’ANTICA PIZZERIA MICHELE
  • Opening date: 1738
  • Specialty: Making 2 types of pizzas


PIZZA MARGHERITA = Tomatoes, Mozzarella, Basil, Olive Oil, and Salt

PIZZA MARINARA = Tomatoes, Olive Oil, Oregano, Garlic, and Salt

  • In 1760, with the arrival of fresh tomatoes in Naples, pizza made its way to the streets.

  • In 1889, Queen Margherita visited Naples and chose a pizza with tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil. Red, white, and green – reminiscent of the Italian flag. This gave birth to Pizza Margherita, which gained immense popularity.

  • The dissemination of pizza worldwide began in the early 19th century with Italian immigrants from Southern Italy to America and American soldiers who came to Italy during World War II.

Arrival of Pizza in Turkey

  • In 1989, a foreign chain opened a few pizzerias in major cities, introducing pizza to Turkey. However, it did not receive the expected interest, and the shops closed. The company made a comeback.

  • Two years later, in 1991, a private TV channel in Turkey aired the animated series “Ninja Turtles” The series became immensely popular in Turkey. The constant pizza consumption by the ninja turtles influenced children to ask for pizza.

  • By 1994, the animated series had a significant impact, leading children to crave pizza. Pizza chain stores became active again, and pizza gained popularity.




Star Newspaper

The Rise of Pizza in Turkey and the Need for Pizza Ovens With pizza becoming a widespread and beloved product in Turkey, there arose a parallel need for pizza ovens.


  • Traditional brick ovens used for pide, lahmacun, and bread in Turkey faced challenges such as weight, immobility, unsuitability for gas burning, high energy costs, chimney problems, and cumbersome structures. These traditional ovens couldn’t meet the demands in rapidly emerging fast-food areas in malls, plazas, and pizza shops under buildings.
  • The rapidly growing pizza sector necessitated a mobile, efficient, chimney-free, gas-safe, modern yet traditional mobile stone oven.


ELMALI MACHINE, a manufacturer of equipment for the hotel, restaurant, and cafe sectors, with 40 years of engineering and company experience, addressed these requirements under the brand ELMANO FORNI.

  • Mobile
  • Highly efficient, low fuel consumption
  • Safe
  • Able to burn gas safely
  • No need for a chimney, can work under a hood (Type A1)
  • Can be placed in any space
  • Can be delivered as a single piece or assembled on-site, aesthetically designed, with different capacities – 12 different sizes were produced to meet the needs. The first production date is 1998.

Cooking Napoli Pizza with Elmano Forni Pizza Oven

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